Ira Wealth works towards identifying the best-in-class investment products across Equities, Fixed Income and Alternative Products with constant innovation in structuring, pricing, and execution. The Investment committee does a second level evaluation to approve a handful of carefully selected managers and funds in the recommended basket for your portfolio. The multi- level product approval process involves detailed due diligence including scrutiny of disclosures and regulatory documents, process and operational audits, fund manager meetings, and evaluation of associated costs and fees.
While the selection of the right products is one function of Ira Wealth, assessing the suitability of the same based on the client’s needs is equally critical. In addition, support and close coordination with the client’s back office for paperwork and documentation through our experienced client service professionals ensures smooth and timely execution. Ongoing reporting with easy-to-understand reports both from a tax and performance monitoring perspective is an important function and an integral part of the Ira Wealth Offering.